GAMA Reports Drop In Aircraft Sales For 2015
General aviation airplane shipments fell 9.1 percent in the first half of this year compared to last year, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association reported Friday. GA rotorcraft shipments also dropped this year so far, with 447 delivered, down from 502 in the first half of 2014. Piston airplane deliveries rose between the first quarter and the second quarter, which saw 271 shipments, but overall fell 11.8 percent in the first half of 2015, from 526 aircraft last year to 464 this year.

General aviation airplane shipments fell 9.1 percent in the first half of this year compared to last year, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association reported Friday. GA rotorcraft shipments also dropped this year so far, with 447 delivered, down from 502 in the first half of 2014. Piston airplane deliveries rose between the first quarter and the second quarter, which saw 271 shipments, but overall fell 11.8 percent in the first half of 2015, from 526 aircraft last year to 464 this year. Meanwhile, turboprop shipments also are down for the first half of the year, dropping by 9.9 percent to 246 airplanes. Business jet manufacturers shipped 305 aircraft in the period, down 4.1 percent from 318 airplanes shipped last year, GAMA reported.Piston rotorcraft deliveries for the first half of the year declined to 130 shipments while turbine rotorcraft dropped from 358 unitsin 2014 to 317 unitsin 2015, an 11.5 percent decline.
"While the second quarter generally improved over the first, our industry is still being buffeted by volatile global markets and contraction within the energy sector," GAMA President and CEO Pete Bunce said. "Robust new product development continues in each of our member companies, accentuating the need for streamlined certification processes and efficient validation mechanisms between regulatory authorities. Finally, fair global competitiveness for all GAMA members rests on the need for a global level playing field. Therefore, Export-Import Bank reauthorization remains a key priority for manufacturers."GAMA has pushed Congress for reauthorization of the bank, which expired June 30, saying the bank's loan guarantees help GA manufacturers make sales with non-U.S. buyers. The measure gained Senate approval, but it was dropped from the House-approved highway funding bill this week before Congress began its recess.