Martha King Appointed To CAP Board Of Governors
The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) has announced that Martha King, co-chair and co-owner of King Schools, has been appointed to CAPs Board of Governors. King will be succeeding retired U.S. Air Force Major General Teresa Marn Peterson when Petersons second three-year term comes to an end in November.

The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) has announced that Martha King, co-chair and co-owner of King Schools, has been appointed to CAP's Board of Governors. King will be succeeding retired U.S. Air Force Major General Teresa Marn Peterson when Peterson's second three-year term comes to an end in November. In addition to founding King Schools in 1975 with her husband, John, King has been inducted into the International Air & Space Hall of Fame, named one of the "100 Most Influential Women in Aviation" by Women in Aviation International, and, according to King Schools, is the only woman to ever hold every category and class of FAA rating on her pilot and instructor certificates.
"Martha King has an excellent reputation as an industry leader in innovative approaches to pilot training, and we're all delighted to welcome her to CAP's Board of Governors." said CAP national commander Major General Mark Smith. "The vision and experience she brings to our governing body are especially valuable as we increase our emphasis on flight training for our youth in response to the nation's ongoing pilot shortage." The Board of Governors is made up of eleven members, including four Air Force appointees, three members appointed jointly by the Secretary of the Air Force and CAP national commander, and four members-at-large selected by CAP's Senior Advisory Group to represent industry, government and education. It is tasked with creating policies, plans and programs for the organization.
The Civil Air Patrol is an all-volunteer U.S. Air Force auxiliary, which operates a fleet of approximately 560 aircraft. The group performs search and rescue, homeland security, disaster relief and drug interdiction missions. According to the organization, CAP members also serve as mentors to over 25,000 young people in CAP's Cadet Programs. Currently, CAP reports that it has more than 60,000 members.