Mystery Aircraft At Victorville
Lots of strange aircraft have turned up at airports in Californias high desert but they usually get identified so theres some intrigue surrounding this image shot at Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville on April 12.

Lots of strange aircraft have turned up at airports in California's high desert but they usually get identified so there's some intrigue surrounding this image shot at Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville on April 12. The aircraft, which has a streamlined bullet-shaped fuselage, high aspect ratio wings, a huge tail and a pusher prop, was seen at transient parking at Victorville so it presumably flew there. There were a lot of guys in green vests standing around, too, along with a small forklift. The image was posted on Aviation Stack Exchange, a question and answer site for aviation buffs.
According to at least one poster, "the vehicle in the photo is a tenant at the VCV airport" but is a proprietary design that has not been made public. Much of the speculation is that it's some kind of movie prop although others suggest it's the prototype for a cargo plane under development. One wag said it looks like something "designed by Burt Rutan when he was 12."