New Improved AVwebFlash…Really Soon
In our never-ending quest to serve our readers and advertisers better, we sometimes hit a technological brick wall and this is one of those times. We’re trying to improve the user experience for the thousands of subscribers who view AVweb on smartphones but we can’t get it to work the way we want it to so we’ve gone back to our long-serving and extremely stable format. A new improved AVwebFlash is on the way. Just not today and maybe not for the next few issues. Thanks for your patience and your comments on the efforts so far.

In our never-ending quest to serve our readers and advertisers better, we sometimes hit a technological brick wall and this is one of those times. We're trying to improve the user experience for the thousands of subscribers who view AVweb on smartphones but we can't get it to work the way we want it to so we've gone back to our long-serving and extremely stable format. A new improved AVwebFlash is on the way. Just not today and maybe not for the next few issues. Thanks for your patience and your comments on the efforts so far.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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