New This Week
AVweb’s search of aviation news around the world found an engine upgrade for the Cessna Caravan, scholarship awards from the General Aviation Manufacturers Association and The Racing Aces, and an upcoming convention for unmanned aerial systems hosted by NASA.

AVweb's search of aviation news around the world found an engine upgrade for the Cessna Caravan, scholarship awards from the General Aviation Manufacturers Association and The Racing Aces, and an upcoming convention for unmanned aerial systems hosted by NASA. Blackhawk Modifications announced that FAA certification is imminent for a Pratt & Whitney PT6A-140 new engine upgrade for the Cessna 208 Caravan and 208B Grand Caravan. This is the same 867-horsepower engine currently used by Cessna on the Caravan EX. Due to growing demand for extra horsepower from European Caravan operators, EASA certification will follow the FAA approval. Available in June 2015 in the USA, the factory-new PT6A-140 upgrade offers an increase in available horsepower to 867. GAMA announced the winners of two prestigious $2,000 scholarships awarded annually to recognize excellence among high school and university students pursuing aviation education. GAMA named Takoda Benedict of Tri-Village High School in New Madison, Ohio, as the winner of the Edward W. Stimpson "Aviation Excellence" Award. The Dr. Harold S. Wood Award for Excellence went to Kelly Abplanalp of the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association's Central Southwest Regional Manager, Yasmina Platt, was awardedthe $2,500 Racing Aces Aviation Scholarship for Women. The announcement of the winner at the Angel Flight Network event in West Houston Airport (KIWS) on May 16 was a surprise for Platt, who was at the event representing AOPA. Racing Aces pilot Dianna Stanger presented the award to her. NASA and the Silicon Valley chapter of the Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) are partnering to co-sponsor the 2015 Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Traffic Management Convention: A New Era in Aviation, July 28-30, at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. Participants will include representatives from the UAS community, agriculture, film and other industries, conventional aviation, government and academia. Attendees will discuss the latest developments in unmanned aerial systems technology, solutions for privacy concerns and issues, safety and security, and the future impact of low-altitude flight on the emerging business sector.