Pilatus Launches Chinese Partnership

Pilatus has chosen a Chinese company, Beijing Tian Xing Jian Yu Science Co., as a partner for expanding into the Chinese market, the company said on Wednesday. “We believe that a partnership with a local sales partner is the key to success [in China],” said Markus Bucher, CEO of Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. “Assisted by our joint venture partner… we will achieve our goal of establishing the Pilatus brand in China.” The PC-12 and the Pilatus Porter PC-6 are “optimum” aircraft for Chinese buyers, added Oscar Schwenk, Pilatus chairman. “China has many small airfields with short runways — our aircraft are ideal for operating in and out of them.” An initial contract to supply a total of 50 PC-12s and PC-6s has been signed.

Pilatus has chosen a Chinese company, Beijing Tian Xing Jian Yu Science Co., as a partner for expanding into the Chinese market, the company said on Wednesday. "We believe that a partnership with a local sales partner is the key to success [in China]," said Markus Bucher, CEO of Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. "Assisted by our joint venture partner … we will achieve our goal of establishing the Pilatus brand in China." The PC-12 and the Pilatus Porter PC-6 are "optimum" aircraft for Chinese buyers, added Oscar Schwenk, Pilatus chairman. "China has many small airfields with short runways -- our aircraft are ideal for operating in and out of them." An initial contract to supply a total of 50 PC-12s and PC-6s has been signed.

The newly created company and associated Pilatus activities in China "will not impact negatively on production operations in Switzerland," the company said in its news release. "On the contrary, production in Switzerland will be reinforced by the anticipated sale of aircraft to China." Pilatus, based in Switzerland, recently announced its first jet project, the PC-24.