Two Marine Corps Hornets Collide; Pilots Safe

Two Marine Corps pilots are safe after their F/A-18 fighters collided off the coast near San Diego Wednesday. One pilot landed at Naval Air Station North Island, while the other ejected, The Associated Press reported.

Two Marine Corps pilots are safe after their F/A-18 Hornet fighters collided off the coast near San Diego Wednesday. One pilot landed at Naval Air Station North Island, while the other ejected, The Associated Press reported. The jets, from theThird Marine Aircraft Wing at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego,were on a training flight when the collision occurredat 11:43 a.m. Rescue crews were called at 12:11 p.m. to find the pilot who ejected, according to a SanDiego Union-Tribune report.

Details about the jets' locations and altitudes at the time of the collision are unknown.The pilots were reported to be in stable condition as Marine Corps officials investigate the accident. The collision was among other accidents involving FA/18 jets this year, including a crash during a night flight in July that killed the pilot, who also was from the Miramar station.