‘Aviation Consumer’ Cylinder Satisfaction Survey
Our sister publication “Aviation Consumer” wants to know about your experiences with aircraft cylinders, including factory-new, PMA cylinders from Superior and ECi (including RAM Nickel) and used or reconditioned cylinders. This survey pertains only to Lycoming or Continental engines, not Rotax or experimental engines. (Lycoming or Continental engines used in experimentals are fair game, however.)

Our sister publication Aviation Consumer wants to know about your experiences with aircraft cylinders, including factory-new, PMA cylinders from Superior and ECi (including RAM Nickel) and used or reconditioned cylinders. This survey pertains only to Lycoming or Continental engines, not Rotax or experimental engines. (Lycoming or Continental engines used in experimentals are fair game, however.)
If you have a moment, please click here to take the short (five-minute) survey.
The answers you give are confidential and will be shared with no one but the editors of Aviation Consumer. Look for a report on the results of this survey in their November 2015 issue.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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