NTSB To Explore GA Safety

The NTSB announced this week that it will hold a two-day forum next month to examine safety issues related to general aviation. “Each year, hundreds of people are killed in general aviation crashes, and thousands more are injured,” said board chairman Deborah Hersman, in a news release. “Tragically, the circumstances leading to these accidents are often repeated over and over, year after year. If we are going to prevent future fatalities and injuries, these common causes must be addressed.” Last year, the safety board added “General Aviation Safety” to its “Most Wanted” list of transportation safety improvements.

The NTSB announced this week that it will hold a two-day forum next month to examine safety issues related to general aviation. "Each year, hundreds of people are killed in general aviation crashes, and thousands more are injured," said board chairman Deborah Hersman, in a news release. "Tragically, the circumstances leading to these accidents are often repeated over and over, year after year. If we are going to prevent future fatalities and injuries, these common causes must be addressed." Last year, the safety board added "General Aviation Safety" to its "Most Wanted" list of transportation safety improvements.

The forum, "General Aviation Safety: Climbing to the Next Level," will take place June 19 and 20 in Washington, D.C. Among the key issues the forum will address are pilot training and performance, pilot access to and use of weather-related information, and aircraft design and certification. Panelists participating in the forum will represent industry, government, academia, and professional associations. Hersman and all five members of the safety board will participate. The forum is open to the public and will be webcast live at NTSB.gov.


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