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Volume 30, Number 47e, November 24, 2023
Piper Rudder AD Comment Period Extended
The FAA has extended the comment period on an AD that would require the replacement of rudders on almost 31,000 Piper aircraft made before 1974.  In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in October, the agency ordered every rudder equipped with[…]   Read this article
Lightspeed 'Delta Zulu Holiday special
Jump Pilot Guilty Of Involuntary Manslaughter In Wingsuiter's Decapitation
A French pilot received a one-year suspended sentence and was banned from flying for a year after being found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the decapitation death of a wingsuit flyer in 2018. French media identified the pilot as 64-year-old Alain C. During the[…] Read this article

Whelen 'Black Friday
MAX 10 Gets Certification Flight Test Nod
The FAA says Boeing can start certification flight testing of its MAX 10, the flagship of the latest generation 737 and a key part of the overall business plan for the brand. The 10 hadn’t been certified when the MAX[…] Read this article

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Senate Leaders Press FAA To Speed Up Space Launch Approvals
Leaders of the Senate space and science subcommittee have sent a letter to the FAA urging it to further streamline commercial space launch and reentry approvals. Chair Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Arizona, and Ranking Member Eris Schmitt, R-Missouri, say red tape[…] Read this article

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