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Volume 31, Number 11c, March 13, 2024
Suit Launched To Halt Touch And Goes At Jeffco
The town of Superior, Colorado and Boulder County are suing neighboring Jefferson County and Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (often call Jeffco), which is owned by Jefferson County, to force them to ban touch and goes at the busy training airport.[…]   Read this article
Student Pilot Totals Increase, Female Participation Up
“The FAA issued 69,503 new student pilot certificates in 2023, up 13,334 over the previous year.” Statistics released by the FAA to coincide with International Women’s Day continued to show incremental growth in interest in aviation, with at least 7,102[…]   Read this article
Bose 'Quiet the noise 2.0
Ukraine Claims Russian AWACS Hit On Ground
Ukraine claims it has damaged or destroyed another Russian AWACs plane, this time while it was on the ground. Newsweek is reporting the high value A-50 was hit when Ukraine launched a mass drone attack against a repair facility in[…] Read this article

Garmin 'Databases
Signature Aviation And BETA Technologies Electrify East Coast Airports
Signature Aviation and BETA Technologies have teamed up to install electric charging infrastructure at airports along the eastern seaboard. The partnership was announced in a March 7 press release noting that the global fixed-based operator (FBO) and electric aerospace company[…] Read this article

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