Marketplace Search Capabilities

Our new search is not a classifieds on its own. Its even better: an index of all the web’s top classified sites. When you click through a result you’ll be taken to the listing on a third party site and be able to view all the details you are looking for. You’ll find that whenever a new item is listed anywhere on the web it will almost certainly be found on our search within minutes. No other service has this capability.

What’s more the ability to narrow your search to specific criteria that you define is more easily down with AVWeb aircraft search than anywhere else. Our advanced filters let you filter by possibilities such as:

  • Make
  • Model
  • Year of manufacture
  • Location
  • Price

for aircraft search, or

  • Location
  • Company
  • Date of job listing

and more in the case of jobs search.

AVWeb is excited to announce a new feature that all aircraft owners, sellers, brokers and dreamers will be thrilled to take advantage of. In partnership with AeroSearcher, the aviation search engine, we have added the ability to search by far the world’s largest index of aircraft for sale, aviation jobs and aviation products. You can try the search feature in the widget in the sidebar on this page (or below if you are on mobile). Or visit one of the following links:

Aircraft for sale 

Aviation jobs 

Aviation parts and products

While even the largest classifieds sites have at most four or five thousand aircraft listed, this new search capability on our site lets you peruse more than 20,000 aircraft – the vast majority of aircraft available in North America and across the globe at any given time.

For jobs and products the increased items available is similar.

Just give the search a try and you’ll find that our index has more results than any other site and by a large margin.

And you can sort the results how you’d like to see them.

So even if you’re not in the market for a new plane, a new job or a specific aircraft part, we recommend you take our search for a spin. It’s a great way to see and browse more aircraft then you’ll find anywhere else on the web, find the jobs you might otherwise miss, and discover that hard to find product.