Last Week’s Poll Results: Aviation A Good Career Choice


A clear majority of respondents said they would advise young people to pursue aviation careers. In fact, only 11% said they would recommend they steer clear of the industry.

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.


  1. Sure would like to see what all the comments under “Other” were. They used to be posted under the results – or at least a sampling of them. Could we please go back to that?

  2. I just had a long talk with yet another owner of a big maintenance shop that can’t take on any new customers. He can’t get A&P’s. Oh, there are plenty of freshly minted A&P’s available to work on jet engines. Their instructors hardly touch on the skills that make pistons go up and down. This gentleman is in the midst of so much work he’s backed up for months, but he is not happy about it. And he’s right.

    Unhappy customers with nowhere to go and with planes falling out of annual may be forced into an unthinkable circumstance; to stop flying but with no one to sell their planes to because the system that kept them flying has dissolved.

    The avionics and paint shops warned us of this developing situation some 3 years ago. Last year we couldn’t even find oil filters. Then there were no tires. The foundations of general aviation are being eaten away from just under the surface and it is not clear yet from whence the talent to restore that glorious foundation is going to come.

    I’ve been a pilot for almost 40 years and I have never seen anything like this. The strangest thing to me is why this isn’t considered a crisis.