Last Week’s Poll Results: Not Much Interest In MOSAIC


The comment period for the Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (MOSAIC) proposed rule expires today (Jan. 22, 2024) and AVweb readers aren’t terribly engaged. Almost half say it won’t affect them and only 31 percent say they’re definitely commenting.

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.


  1. I think there was probably more interest than the results show…at least I hope so. I submitted a comment, and hope the people that said they would before the deadline, did. For the people that question the value, any advances in policies that aid in keeping our ability to fly is well worth it. Also, this will not only incorporate many more certified aircraft, but many experimentals as well.
    The ones that say it doesn’t affect them should first of all start thinking about other people, and need to remember how many advances in technology and electronics have started in the experimental world, then moved into certified aircraft as STCs. This saved tons of time and money for the manufacturers of these products in getting them into the certified world, which makes this stuff much more affordable, so probably has already affected quite a few of them.
    I own an RV-4, I’m an A&P, have no problem passing a class 3, and use basicmed simply because I can use any doctor and it gives me four years between, saving me money. I don’t fly at night anyway, and only fly for fun. I’ll probably go Sport if it passes because it’ll save me even more money.
    I know a lot of people that don’t have any interest in flying for fun, only for hire, and that’s fine, but for those of us that just love flying whether we get paid or not, this could have huge implications for the future.

  2. The lack of engagement reflects the general view of FAA programs (or MOST government programs, for that matter. There was little hope for meaningful change in the original iteration–most of us look on FAA proposals as “What are they trying to do to us NOW?”

    There’s a term for that feeling–It’s called ENNUI–“a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement…..”

    Most of us have heard these breathless rehashes of government reform before, and our expectations are low. “Different dress–same pig.”

  3. I have a different take on this. After getting trained in a 182 RG, my instructor said that afterwards, I probably wouldn’t want to fly anything smaller. He was bloody right.

    That said, given the choice someday of flying the smaller aircraft, or not flying at all, I think that I might just give it up. I’ve seen guys crammed into a 150 and rubbing elbows. Not me. I’ll take my Cadillac instead.