IAI Westwind Training Crash Near Huntsville
Three men are reported to have been killed in the crash of an IAI Westwind II on the northwest side of the Huntsville, Alabama Airport Wednesday afternoon.

Three men are reportedto have been killed in the crash of an IAI Westwind II on the northwest side of the Huntsville, Ala., Airport Wednesday afternoon. The airplane appears to have been on a training flight, with flight instructor Robin Gary Smith of Yukon, Okla., and operator of the training company Jet Contrails, reportedly among the deceased. Also aboard were William Bill Christopher of Center Point, Ala., and Kenneth Lynn Rousseau of Harpersville, Ala. Rouseaus daughter, Roxane Drake, of Chelsea, Ala., said the family has heard the men were on a training flight. According to initial reports, the Westwind crashed after takeoff and burned.
Jet Contrails advertises initial and recurrent training for pilots who do not want to go away from home for two weeks, sleep in a motel, go to class all day, then at 3 a.m., sit in a simulator for two hours. It provides training in your aircraft, at your location, at your learning pace, without the regimented program that a simulator-based company will put you through. It goes on to say that a Jet Contrail instructor will be with you through ground school, through the flight training, through the oral, through the checkride and through the celebration after you have received your jet type rating.