Rotorvox’s New EAB Gyroplane
As Sun ‘n Fun 2018, Rotorvox showed up with a two-place Rotax 914-powered German-made gyroplane that will be available in the U.S. as an owner-assisted amateur-built kit. The machine was on display and attracting plenty of attention, despite a rainy first day. In this video, Aviation Consumer Editor Larry Anglisano took a close look at the machine with Rotorvox’s Cobus Burger.
As Sun 'n Fun 2018, Rotorvox showed up with atwo-place Rotax 914-powered German-made gyroplane that will be available in the U.S. as an owner-assisted amateur-built kit. The machine was on display and attracting plenty of attention, despite a rainy first day. In this video, Aviation Consumer Editor Larry Anglisano took a close look at the machine with Rotorvox's Cobus Burger.

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