Helicopter, Crew Survive Duck Strike
A medevac helicopter operated by CareFlight made a forced landing Monday morning after a collision with ducks in flight near Aberdeen, S.D. Three ducks broke through the windscreen and splattered pilot Curt Smith with blood and broken glass. “It was just a big explosion and lots of wind,” Smith told The Keloland News. “I had trouble to see what we were doing, the crew in the back became my eyes.” The crew helped direct Smith to a safe landing spot. With the changing seasons, birds are on the move. Tim Harris, airport wildlife officer at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, reported Tuesday that he has observed flocks of both brown pelicans and geese moving north, in groups of about 40 to 50.

A medevac helicopter operated by CareFlight made a forced landing Monday morning after a collision with ducks in flight near Aberdeen, S.D. Three ducks broke through the windscreen and splattered pilot Curt Smith with blood and broken glass. "It was just a big explosion and lots of wind," Smith told The Keloland News. "I had trouble to see what we were doing, the crew in the back became my eyes." The crew helped direct Smith to a safe landing spot. With the changing seasons, birds are on the move. Tim Harris, airport wildlife officer at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, reported Tuesday that he has observed flocks of both brown pelicans and geese moving north, in groups of about 40 to 50.

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