Top Letters And Comments, December 4, 2020
This week’s letters brought comments from readers about the SpaceX Starship, the aging GA fleet and airlines requiring COVID vaccinations.

SpaceX To (Maybe) Send Starship To 50,000 Feet
Love him or hate him, Musk has revolutionized the space launch industry. And, he has done it in full view of the general public, failures and all. Things are about to get even more interesting. A new launch complex is under construction at the Kennedy Space Center to accommodate Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket, which claims to be larger than Musk’s Falcon Heavy vehicle. We have a new space race, but this time between competing private companies, not governments. Should be fun to watch.
John M.
Final Wing Spar AD Affects 11,476 Pipers
The aging aircraft fleet will set a new old-age record today, and again every day after today. As the fleet ages expect more old-aged related AD’s for all types of “old” birds. Additionally, much of the fleet has been neglected, mechanically, for a long time. In July I tried to buy a lower time PA-28-181 in MO. During pre-buy I noticed a Form 337 for a new wing inspection cover. The seller advised there had been a mouse nest on the spar and corrosion had to be removed and repaired (hmmmm). There was no log entry, or 337, for the spar repair.
Jeff W.
The original US manufactured aircraft of the 1950’s thru 1990’s era were seldom treated on the interiors with anti-corrosion paint (zinc chromite/green stuff) because of the limited design life, est. 10-15 years. Metal to metal. In most cases, the wings steel spar in contact with the aluminum skin, are being exposed to moisture. Just like in the picture of accompanied article. A development of dissimilar corrosion becomes extensive, and the cost of replacing the wing spars can be astronomical. During the pre-buy, ask where is the aircraft based, stored, and used!!
Tom O.
Poll: Would You Fly on an Airline That Requires COVID Vaccination?
- I am flying my own airplane. The last time I flew commercially was around 2011. As a former airline employee, the level of service, the lack of comfort, and the hassle combined with exorbitant check in gymnastics I had to go through firmly cemented in my mind, no future airline travel unless an absolute emergency. Covid-19 just gives me another but significant reason to avoid airline travel. If I had to fly via airlines, it would bring some measure of comfort ( no pun intended) to know the person my hips, shoulders, knees that I am forced to touch, and the 6-8 inches of head space between passengers, that those I am now so close to, at the very least are vaccinated. Now its a vaccinated, cattle car experience.
- Yes, but since the data we have shows the actual flying is low risk, I wouldn’t prefer an airline based on this requirement.
- I expect to get a vaccination, but world availability is limited, so that won't be for a while. Until then I can only fly on an airline that lets me. After that I won't care.
- Not sure, yet.
- I certainly wouldn’t get the vaccine in order to flying that airline.
- At the risk of sounding snarky, once I have the vaccine, yes.
- No. The requirement for the population to carry 'papers' again to prove to the government or another entity that we, the masses, have done what they deem mandatory can only lead to oppression and therefore violates personal rights.
- That assumes vaccines will be widely available world-wide, which won't be for several months. So this is a red herring at this point ...
- I am planning on getting the vaccine. The idea of an airline forcing you to get a vaccine for service is not what I believe in and would favor an airline that did not force vaccinations with my business.
- No. But I recognize their right to require passengers to have the vaccine.
- I will only board such an airline.
- After a career that demanded lots of airline travel, one of the things I retired from is flying in the great aluminum mailing tubes.
- If it was the only way to make the flight.
- No! There is no way any vaccine could be safe in such a short time and it would mean a violation of my right to decide about my healthcare and traveling.
- Yes, once I am vaccinated.
- No and I have no intention of taking a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 or any other virus type.
- Once enough people have taken the vaccine to know it is safe long term.
- I'm not flying at all now, but might only on an airline that requires proof of vaccination. Yea Qantas for being brave!
- No. It's nothing less than a control measure. People don't need to be controlled.
- Concerned but unsure of vaccines?
- They may not have that right due to Federal oversight.
- I'd like to wait as much as a year from the time that vacine is available to insure that there are no bad reactions to it.
- No because it achieves nothing & vaccinations are not immediately available for everyone.
- Short answer, yes I would. Airlines are private businesses who are free to run it as they see fit. So long as their policies do not discriminate against any ethnic group, and anti-vaxxers are not a protected ethnicity, they can do as they please. If you don't like it, feel free to fly with someone else.
- I would not fly on an airline that did not require it.
- No, because we don't yet know how effective a vaccine is, and to what extent it protects those other than the vaccinated person.
- I'd ONLY fly on one that insists on vaccination.
- The vaccines have been rushed to distribution without knowing the long-term effects. These deal with genetics opening up your DNA. Until it’s tested, I’ll pass, so no flying for me.
- I am flying to Hawaii and am not happy with all of the red tape to get us there!
- Why would I fly on an airline, when I can fly myself in my personal airplane?