Flight Simulator Field Report
ATDs (Aviation Training Devices) can serve a variety of purposes. Whether it’s initial flight training for VFR, IFR currency-thanks to new FAA regs-and even for avionics training, simulator tech for the flight school and for the home has never been better, thanks in part to touchscreen and big-screen monitors. For this field report for sister publication Aviation Safety Magazine, Larry Anglisano went looking for one of the latest ATDs made by FlyThisSim, which is used extensively by a growing flight school in New England, and prepared this production.
ATDs (Aviation Training Devices) can serve a variety of purposes. Whether it's initial flight training for VFR, IFR currency—thanks to new FAA regs—and even for avionics training, simulator tech for the flight school and for the home has never been better, thanks in part to touchscreen and big-screen monitors. For this field report for sister publication Aviation Safety Magazine, Larry Anglisano went looking for one of the latest ATDs made by FlyThisSim, which is used extensively by a growing flight school in New England, and prepared this production.

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