…And Meets Mixed Reaction From Alphabets

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association applauded the new structure and staffing. “The FAA has put together an outstanding leadership team and we look forward to working with them as they move towards achieving their goals,” said GAMA President Ed Bolen. National Air Traffic Controllers Association President John Carr was even more enthused, calling the initiative “bold and smart” and COO Chew “innovative and thoughtful.” AOPA President Phil Boyer was a bit more circumspect. “AOPA will be paying close attention to the ATO,” said Boyer. “We want to make sure GA continues to have access to the system, that the FAA continues its long-range work to develop new approaches where none currently exist, and that funding for the new organization does not become user-fee-based.”

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association applauded the new structure and staffing. "The FAA has put together an outstanding leadership team and we look forward to working with them as they move towards achieving their goals," said GAMA President Ed Bolen. National Air Traffic Controllers Association President John Carr was even more enthused, calling the initiative "bold and smart" and COO Chew "innovative and thoughtful." AOPA President Phil Boyer was a bit more circumspect. "AOPA will be paying close attention to the ATO," said Boyer. "We want to make sure GA continues to have access to the system, that the FAA continues its long-range work to develop new approaches where none currently exist, and that funding for the new organization does not become user-fee-based."