Changes Ahead For Homebuilt And Age-60 Rules?
In response to a question from the audience, Blakey said that a newly established Aviation Rulemaking Committee will soon begin a review of the rules that govern homebuilders. She said “commercial entities” have made use of the 51 percent rule in ways in which it was never intended. The homebuilt category is meant to allow hobbyists to build their own airplanes, but its application to ever-more-sophisticated aircraft has raised concern. Also, when an audience member asked for clarification of the agency’s position on the contentious Age-60 rule, she seemed to soften a bit from the agency’s long-held “neutral” stand.

In response to a question from the audience, Blakey said that a newly established Aviation Rulemaking Committee will soon begin a review of the rules that govern homebuilders. She said "commercial entities" have made use of the 51 percent rule in ways in which it was never intended. The homebuilt category is meant to allow hobbyists to build their own airplanes, but its application to ever-more-sophisticated aircraft has raised concern. Also, when an audience member asked for clarification of the agency's position on the contentious Age-60 rule, she seemed to soften a bit from the agency's long-held "neutral" stand. She is well aware that new international rules will soon take effect that allow for one pilot in a two-pilot cockpit to be over 60. "We're looking at that," she said. She added that "common sense" is clear that people today are staying healthier longer than was the norm several decades ago when the age limit was set.