Coping With Costs, Enter: The LSA Fractional
While industry advocates hoping to attract new hordes into aviation hope too that any attention is good attention, publicity isn’t the only hurdle. Alluring as reduced training and medical requirements may be, the sticker prices on factory-built light sport aircraft (LSAs) could prove daunting, if newbies find the costs out of proportion with other options for weekend fun. One solution is to buy just part of an airplane, and has made that option available for LSAs with its own form of fractional/cooperative ownership. LetsFly helps pilots to buy a share in a new sport plane. One popular option requires just $2,900 up front, a monthly fee of about $300, and about $30 an hour to fly.

While industry advocates hoping to attract new hordes into aviation hope too that any attention is good attention, publicity isn't the only hurdle. Alluring as reduced training and medical requirements may be, the sticker prices on factory-built light sport aircraft (LSAs) could prove daunting, if newbies find the costs out of proportion with other options for weekend fun. One solution is to buy just part of an airplane, and has made that option available for LSAs with its own form of fractional/cooperative ownership. LetsFly helps pilots to buy a share in a new sport plane. One popular option requires just $2,900 up front, a monthly fee of about $300, and about $30 an hour to fly. That's for a brand-new airplane; packages for pre-owned aircraft run as low as $59 per month, and experimental aircraft fees can be even lower. LetsFly arranges financing, insurance, maintenance, and creates a Web site with online scheduling for each co-op. Pilots can construct a co-op around any type of aircraft they like, from production singles to homebuilts or experimental LSAs.