Colorado-based Steve Zimmermann is an exceptionally talented photographer with an unusual focus. He likes to shoot captivating subjects on the ground as well as in the air. The Mountain West abounds with opportunities for stunning imagery. In this AVweb profile, Paul Bertorelli finds out how Zimmermann does it. Music courtesy of


  1. Thanks for the interesting interview with Mr. Zimmermann, and he great photos! Really loved the one of “Doc”. Didn’t find it on his website, but I’ll keep looking.

    • Thanks, Jeff; being interviewed by Paul was great fun. Not everything makes it to the website but for prints you can always contact me directly, stevezphoto at gmail.

  2. Very cool photos both subject types. As those with an interest in aviation magazines, we get exposure to lots of high-level air-to-air images; but air to ground – that’s a different story.

    For a few years a client used to give a certain high-profile air-to-ground photographer-shot calendar of San Francisco to me for Christmas. Points to the gift giver for knowing me as an aviation enthusiast, but the point count ends there.

    It’s always amazing to me what views of the earth from an aircraft reveal. The relationship between the natural world and what humans create – one one influences the other – is revealed in this way if you have an eye for it. Steve Zimmermann has an amazing eye for this and I just loved about every one of those photos on the video. Thank you!