Video: Sandia’s New Standby Attitude Gyro
In glass cockpits and even in those where the pilots suffer through the tragedy of flying behind steam gauges, a back-up gryo is a good idea. Increasingly, these are solid-state gyros with their own self-contained ADAHRS and batteries. At AEA in Nashville, AVweb shot this brief product tour of the Sandia Aerospace SAI gyro. Retail price is $3,595.
In glass cockpits and even in those where the pilots suffer through the tragedy of flying behind steam gauges, a back-up gryo is a good idea. Increasingly, these are solid-state gyros with their own self-contained ADAHRS and batteries. At AEA in Nashville, AVweb shot this brief product tour of the Sandia Aerospace SAI gyro. Retail price is $3,595.

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