In-Depth Tour: Douglas A-26
Developed during World War II as a medium bomber, the Douglas-built A-26 entered service late in the war. But it also saw service in Vietnam, where it was prized for interdiction missions on the Ho Chi Minh trail. The only airworthy A-26 was on display at AirVenture 2018 and J.R. Hoffman gave AVweb’s Baxter Van West and Ashley Anglisano a walkaround/cockpit tour. This A-26 is a On Mark Engineering-modified aircraft that was used in Vietnam, and is equipped with modern avionics, including ADS-B.
Developed during World War II as a medium bomber, the Douglas-built A-26 entered service late in the war. But it also saw service in Vietnam, where it was prized for interdiction missions on the Ho Chi Minh trail.The only airworthy A-26 was on display at AirVenture 2018 and J.R. Hoffman gave AVweb's Baxter Van West and Ashley Anglisano a walkaround/cockpit tour. This A-26 is a On Mark Engineering-modified aircraft that was used in Vietnam, and is equipped with modern avionics, including ADS-B.

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