New Training Tools From Redbird, CloudAhoy
Simulator maker Redbird brought a production version of its Guided Independent Flight Training (GIFT) to Oshkosh. The system has been many years and several versions in the making, but is now for sale with 33 modules teaching basic flight, private-pilot maneuvers and emergencies.
Simulator maker Redbird brought a production version of its Guided Independent Flight Training (GIFT) to Oshkosh. The system has been many years and several versions in the making, but is now for sale with 33 modules teaching basic flight, private-pilot maneuvers and emergencies. Each module describes and demonstrates the topic, guides the student through flight on the simulator and scores them at the end. Students can purchase the package for $249 and use it with a virtual Cessna 172 on most full-size Redbird simulators.
Redbird also brought a custom simulator for a Thrush cropduster as part of a partnership with Thrush to train agricultural pilots. Todd Willinger, CEO of Redbird, says this is just one of several partnerships, including military interest. "I was concerned how this year would go," said Willinger, "but the past six months were the best we've ever had." Redbird is also hosting classes given by aeronautics educator Greg Roark, who has woven aerospace education throughout the entire Aspen school district curriculum.
Popular flight debriefing tool CloudAhoy has been testing pilot opinions of its new CFI advisor, which analyzes a complete flight including scores for different segments. CloudAhoy CEO and founder Chuck Shavit was concerned pilots wouldn't want a grade stamped on their performance but that was unfounded. "The overwhelming reaction has been positive," says Shavit. CloudAhoy users upload their flight to their account and it's automatically analyzed for scoreable segments, such as maneuvers, approaches or landings. Data such as actual airspeed or engine data can be gotten directly from systems like a G1000 or interpolated by the software. The CFI advisor works in addition to the CloudAhoy tools showing the flight in 3D and data graphs. CloudAhoy has a 35-day free trial and is $65/year. NAFI and SAFE members (often CFIs) get it for $44.