From The FAA

AOPA has developed an online form to collect real-life horror stories of pilots trying to operate within the security-related flight restrictions that have become a fact of life since 9/11. AOPA wants to use the stories as ammunition in its attempt to have the whole system of security-related regulations reviewed. AOPA is particularly interested in pilot experiences in the Baltimore-Washington Air Defense Identification Zone and the presidential-movement TFRs that pop up wherever Air Force One lands. “We will take these very real operational stories to the decision makers. We want them to feel our pain and respond,” said President Phil Boyer.

GA pilots in the Los Angeles area are getting plenty of advanced notice of an FAA Christmas present to them. For whatever reason, the FAA has chosen Dec. 25, 2003, to implement the realignment of a VFR corridor through the busy LAX area. The new alignment changes the northern boundary of the Los Angeles Special Flight Rules Area and it also clarifies the text of the flight regulations within the SFAR to ensure aircraft maintain the correct fixed altitude while using the route.

Owners of certain Lycoming engines will have to replace the rotary fuel pumps on them sooner rather than later. An earlier AD requiring torque check inspections of the pump relief valve attaching screws on certain Cran/Lear Romec "AN" rotary fuel pumps has been superseded by a new AD that requires the inspection plus the replacement of the pump with one of an improved design. The older style could leak.