On The Fly…
First Russian SparrowHawk gyroplane has flown successfully…AirVenture Oshkosh will run Monday-to-Sunday in 2005, July 25-31…Two Forest Service workers reported killed in air crash, found alive…“Wing Nuts” on Discovery Channel about airplane-furniture business…Hurricane Ivan left a half-dozen airplanes high and dry.
The first Russian SparrowHawk two-place kit-built gyroplane has flown successfully, Groen Brothers Aviation announced on Thursday...
AirVenture Oshkosh starts one day early in 2005, shifting its schedule to a Monday-through-Sunday format. The event will run July 25-31...
Two U.S. Forest Service workers survived an air crash although all on board had been reported killed....
"Wing Nuts" debuts tomorrow night on Discovery Channel, an eight-part series about the MotoArt custom airplane-furniture business in California, which AVweb wrote about last year...
A flood on the Susquehanna River caused by Hurricane Ivan left a half-dozen airplanes high and dry, captured in an unusual photo.

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