On The Fly…

Red Bull Air Race now has videos and games online…Romanian X Prize contenders launched a rocket to 3,000 feet…Oprah Winfrey taking ground school to prep for flying lessons…San Diego Navy and Marine pilots completed training to fight fires…FAA list of type-certified aircraft that meet LSA standards is online…UND flight-training fleet to go all-glass for SATS…New landing procedures aim to lessen noise at Portland Airport.

Red Bull Air Race, coming to Reno Sept. 16-19, now has flight videos and interactive games online...

Romanian X Prize contenders successfully launched a rocket to 3,000 feet on Thursday...

Oprah Winfrey reportedly is taking ground school to prep for flying lessons...

Navy and Marine pilots in San Diego have completed nine months of training to help fight fires...

The FAA's list of type-certified aircraft that meet the Light-Sport Aircraft standards is posted online...

University of North Dakota flight-training fleet will transition to all-glass cockpits and help to develop new SATS technology...

New landing procedures aim to lessen noise at Portland Airport by having planes come in higher and maintain a constant rate of descent instead of leveling off.