Video: Cub Theatre — The-Not-That-Impossible Turn
In this week’s Cub Theatre installment, AVweb’s Paul Bertorelli provides a video examination of the runway turnback or the so-called “impossible turn.” Well, it’s not impossible at all, although it’s not necessarily easy. If you want to try it, you’ll need to practice it first. And think about making the turnback decision before you take off, not when the engine crumps at 500 feet.
In this week's Cub Theatre installment, AVweb's Paul Bertorelli provides a video examination of the runway turnback or the so-called "impossible turn." Well, it's not impossible at all, although it's not necessarily easy. If you want to try it, you'll need to practice it first. And think about making the turnback decision before you take off, not when the engine crumps at 500 feet.

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