Merlin LSA Awarded FAA Certification
Glasair Aviation’s Merlin LSA received FAA certification this week, marking the company’s first foray into factory-built aircraft as it continues to produce its series of kitplanes. Glasair announced on Wednesday it anticipates sales to personal owners as well as flight schools.

Glasair Aviation's Merlin LSA received FAA light-sport certification this week, marking the company's first foray into factory-built aircraft as it continues to produce its series of kitplanes. Glasair announced on Wednesday it anticipates sales to personal owners as well as flight schools. The high-wing Merlin, which was introduced nearly two years ago at Sun 'n Fun, has been marketed as an LSA that can withstand the rigors of student pilot training and offer efficient operations with aRotax912iS engine.
It also offers the ability to carry two people with a full fuel tank. The LSA, which by regulation has a maximum gross weight of 1320 pounds, offers auseful load of 530 pounds and fuel capacity of 24 gallons.The prototype first flewin April 2015 and was displayed with a full-glass cockpit. A Glasair spokesman told AVweb this week the anticipated price for the LSA will be in the range of$149,950.Eighteen Merlins will be assembled in the next 12 months.Initial deliveries of the Merlin are expected in third quarter of this year, the company said.