Seven Killed In Slovakian Skydiving Aircraft Mid-Air
Seven people died in a midair collision of two skydiving aircraft over Slovakia, news agencies in Europe reported Thursday morning. About 40 skydivers were involved in the accident and were apparently training for a weekend airshow. Witnesses said the two aircraft collided at about 4900 feet, possibly while attempting a formation flight for a large skydiving formation.

Seven people died in a midair collision of two skydiving aircraft over Slovakia, news agencies in Europe reported Thursday morning. About 35 skydivers were involved in the accident and were apparently training for a weekend airshow. Witnesses said the two aircraft collided at about 4900 feet, possibly while attempting a formation flight for a large skydiving formation.
News reports said 31 skydivers escaped the aircraft, with five suffering minor injuries. The four pilots of the Czech-built L-410 turboprops and three skydivers evidently could not escape the damaged aircraft, which crashed into a heavily wooded area. Helicopters were being used in recovery efforts at the crash site, which is near the border with the Czech Republic.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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