Reader Comments and Letters: April 7, 2018
This week’s letters drew a flood of comments on our April Fools spoof about the FAA extending the ADS-B deadline by 20 years. (Just in case you missed the memo, the deadline is still 2020.) Some readers howled at the joke, some thought it in poor taste. We also heard some opinions on taking lessons in electric airplanes and a comment on how the Coast Guard trains its pilots to ditch.
Electric Airplane Lessons
Would I take lessons in an electric airplane? I might take initial instruction for a private pilot ticket or instrument rating in an electric airplane. The basics of angle of attack and so on won't change because of the power plant but I simply cannot see advancing to cross country work in an electric airplane or trying to use one as an actual form of transportation; at least until battery technology improves.
Battery life is too short and charging rates too long. The same problems exist with electric cars. They are fine for tooling around town, but you can't set off on a road trip with a fuel source that is only good for an hour and a half or so without some means of getting a quick turnaround. Waiting for two hours to charge my battery is not practical.
Don Purney
Learning to fly in an electric aircraft with the aim of achieving an single-engine rating is currently impossible. The electric aircraft didn't qualify as a "single engine piston" aircraft since it has no pistons!
Mike Ellis
Helicopter Ditching
The USCG does specialized training for helicopter ditchings These can be more complex and dangerous than fixed-wing ditchings.
Depending on the outcome of the investigation of the East River crash, the FAA may want to look at the safety and effectiveness of the restraint systems and the briefing/training provided to passengers.
Doug Armstrong
Natural Resources Pilot Blog
I would love to get a job doing the type of flying you describe. I am a 3000-hour pilot with about 1700 hours of tailwheel time, most of it in Huskys. I live in New Hampshire and fly out of Portsmouth (KPSM).
There are probably fewer jobs in the East, but I only need one.
David Murphy
ADS-B April Fools Spoof
AVWeb has become a go-to piece for me so to read some readers are flaming you? Hey... lighten up and have a sandwich!It was funny, although my first reaction was to have a cow, which made it funnier
Thanks to all at the AVweb team.
Tom Wilkinson
ADS-B joke for April Fools? Really? Way to lose credibility.
Patrick Johnson
While I do appreciate gags and jokes, this article is in poor taste. In my personal opinion, April Fools/ gags should be posed in a sense that they have no ill-intent whether it be intentional or non-intentional.
Your article/post has potentially misled individuals on government directives. In general, I feel like your joke, while I'm sure it was intended no harm, was in poor taste.
Thomas Miller
Good one. Read it four times, went to FAA and never thought of clicking links. Knew it was possible, but FAA working on a weekend? Good one!
Matt Near
Hey idiot! I really thought AVweb was a good thing until the sick joke about the ADS-B extension. Bye and good riddance!
Frank Acuff
While the article title alone was enough to tell me this was an April Fools joke, your name confirmed it. I just couldn't stop laughing while looking at the diagram! But I must admit, I laughed even more at some of the outraged comments while, at the same time, suppressing the urge to cry.
My belief that all pilots, except myself, are near the top of the intellect scale has been shattered. Paul, please keep it up. I read your blogs first including all the comments you generated!
Harvey Muehl