FAA Safety Stand Down Set For Saturday
Pilots around the country are invited to participate in a Safety Stand Down organized the FAA Safety Team this Saturday, April 17. A special Stand Down event will be held at Sun ‘n Fun, in the FAA building, with a daylong schedule of events, including a talk by popular aviation educator Rod Machado. “Pilots around the country, in every state, will find an event going on nearby this Saturday,” said Randy Prine, FAA FAASTeam Program Manager. “Most of them will have a pancake breakfast or other social event, with about four hours of safety seminar.” The event will focus on four areas that have been identified as factors in a majority of general aviation accidents: owner-performed maintenance, approach and landing, surface deviations, and risk management. Pilots can find an event scheduled nearby via the newly redesigned FAA Safety Web site – or click through and use our event finder, embedded in this very story (and always accessible on the AVweb home page).
Pilots around the country are invited to participate in a Safety Stand Down organized the FAA Safety Team this Saturday, April 17. A special Stand Down event will be held at Sun 'n Fun, in the FAA building, with a daylong schedule of events, including a talk by popular aviation educator Rod Machado. "Pilots around the country, in every state, will find an event going on nearby this Saturday," said Randy Prine, FAA FAASTeam Program Manager. "Most of them will have a pancake breakfast or other social event, with about four hours of safety seminar." The event will focus on four areas that have been identified as factors in a majority of general aviation accidents: owner-performed maintenance, approach and landing, surface deviations, and risk management.
Pilots can find an event scheduled nearby via the newly redesigned FAA Safety Web site - or use the FAASTeam event finder embedded to the right in this very story. (Hint: Enter the ZIP Code for Lakeland, Fla. - 33811 - to pull up a list of FAA seminars at Sun 'n Fun this week!) This handy widget is always accessible on the AVweb home page; just scroll down about halfway down the page and find it in our Pilot Resources section.
Pilots can also take free online courses at the new Web site, which is a popular feature, Prine said. The courses can help fulfill requirements to qualify for recognition under the FAA's Wings safety program.