IndUs Diesel Thorpedo – 100 Knots At Three GPH
The WAM diesel-powered IndUs Thorpedo LSA arrived on schedule to a packed news conference at Sun ‘n Fun on Saturday and there was a cluster of people around it most of the day. With the numbers IndUS is reporting, it’s no wonder. The supercharged and turbocharged three-cylinder, two-cycle inverted cylinder diesel puts out 120 hp. Spokesman Scott Severin told AVweb it pulls the low-wing along at 100 knots on three gph. While the LSA flew for the first time with the diesel only a few days ago, company spokesman Scott Severin said the engine has been extensively tested by IndUS. The engine is undergoing Light Sport certification and initial TBO is 1,000 hours but is expected to go to 3,000 hours. (Click through for video of Severin showing us around the Thorpedo.)
The WAM diesel-powered IndUs Thorpedo LSA arrived on schedule to a packed news conference at Sun 'n Fun on Saturday and there was a cluster of people around it most of the day. With the numbers IndUS is reporting, it's no wonder. The supercharged and turbocharged three-cylinder, two-cycle inverted cylinder diesel puts out 120 hp. Spokesman Scott Severin told AVweb it pulls the low-wing along at 100 knots on three gph. While the LSA flew for the first time with the diesel only a few days ago, company spokesman Scott Severin said the engine has been extensively tested by IndUS. The engine is undergoing Light Sport certification and initial TBO is 1,000 hours but is expected to go to 3,000 hours.
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