Mooney Production On The Horizon
It’s been 18 months since Mooney Airplane Company built its last airplane but the iconic planemaker is considering a comeback. In a podcast interview with AVweb at Sun ‘n Fun 2010, spokeswoman Susan Harrison said the company and all its dealers have sold through their backlog inventory and she hopes it won’t be long before the line in Kerrville is moving with Ovations and Acclaims. “We’re just waiting for the market to gain a little more momentum,” she said. Harrison said they’re anticipating new financing in the coming months but there is no specific target for a resumption in production. Meanwhile, the 60 employees who still work in Kerrville are making sure existing Mooney owners have the support they need.
It's been 18 months since Mooney Airplane Company built its last airplane but the iconic planemaker is considering a comeback. In a podcast interview with AVweb at Sun 'n Fun 2010, spokeswoman Susan Harrison said the company and all its dealers have sold through their backlog inventory and she hopes it won't be long before the line in Kerrville is moving with Ovations and Acclaims. "We're just waiting for the market to gain a little more momentum," she said. Harrison said they're anticipating new financing in the coming months but there is no specific target for a resumption in production. Meanwhile, the 60 employees who still work in Kerrville are making sure existing Mooney owners have the support they need.
Harrison said the workers at the plant ensure a steady supply of technical support and parts are available for owners and all of the 8,000 Mooneys still flying are fully supported. She said it's a matter of pride in the company that despite the ups and downs it's experienced over 60 years it has always maintained parts supply and technical support.