New Turbos for Older Cirrus SR22s
Cirrus and Tornado Alley have enjoyed smashing success with the turbonormalized SR22. Now that Tornado Alley has caught its production up to Cirrus’s impressive demand, it’s doing what it set out to in the first place: making the turbonormalizing systems available to aftermarket SR22 owners. TAT’s Tim Roehl told AVweb about these systems when we visited the TAT booth on Thursday afternoon. Roehl said the Cirrus aftermarket kits will be available for all but the earliest model SR22s and should begin shipping by late 2008 or early 2009. Turbonormalizing turns the already speedy SR22 into a 200-knot-plus airplane in the low flight levels. In a little more than a year, Cirrus has sold some 500 factory turbonormalized SR22 and demand continues to be strong.
Cirrus and Tornado Alley have enjoyed smashing success with the turbonormalized SR22. Now that Tornado Alley has caught its production up to Cirrus's impressive demand, it's doing what it set out to in the first place: making the turbonormalizing systems available to aftermarket SR22 owners. TAT's Tim Roehl told AVweb about these systems when we visited the TAT booth on Thursday afternoon. Roehl said the Cirrus aftermarket kits will be available for all but the earliest model SR22s and should begin shipping by late 2008 or early 2009. Turbonormalizing turns the already speedy SR22 into a 200-knot-plus airplane in the low flight levels. In a little more than a year, Cirrus has sold some 500 factory turbonormalized SR22 and demand continues to be strong.
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Audio interview with Roehl (podcast)