PiperJet on Plan, New Project Coming
James Bass, president and CEO of Piper Aircraft, this week revealed that the Vero Beach, Fla.-based aircraft manufacturer plans to announce a new airplane later this year. “We can’t tell you much about this new airplane, but it will be very, very special,” he said at the Sun ‘n Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Fla. “It will take the market by storm.” Meanwhile, Piper continues to make progress on its single-engine PiperJet. According to Bass, the program has “come a long way” since the $2.2 million very light jet was announced in October at the National Business Aviation Association convention. Wind tunnel testing will conclude this summer, with first flight of the PiperJet expected in early 2008. Bass said that there are firm orders for more than 186 of the Williams FJ44-3AP-powered jet single.
James Bass, president and CEO of Piper Aircraft, this week revealed that the Vero Beach, Fla.-based aircraft manufacturer plans to announce a new airplane later this year. "We can't tell you much about this new airplane, but it will be very, very special," he said at the Sun 'n Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Fla. "It will take the market by storm." Meanwhile, Piper continues to make progress on its single-engine PiperJet. According to Bass, the program has "come a long way" since the $2.2 million very light jet was announced in October at the National Business Aviation Association convention. Wind tunnel testing will conclude this summer, with first flight of the PiperJet expected in early 2008. Bass said that there are firm orders for more than 186 of the Williams FJ44-3AP-powered jet single.
Piper still hasn't chosen the avionics suite for the PiperJet, t hough Garmin's and Avidyne's integrated glass flight decks are known to be in the running. A week ago, one could reasonably assume that Piper favored the Avidyne Entegra system for its jet since the company chose the avionics suite for its piston line. However, this week Piper announced that it would offer the Garmin G1000 avionics suite as a $4,000 upgrade for the Saratoga II and Piper 6X.