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Tim Cole

Tim Cole
Timothy Cole has served more than 30 years as chief content officer of Belvoir Media Group, publisher of AVweb.com, Aviation Consumer, Aviation Safety, and IFR. He is an instrument-rated private pilot and has approximately 1,300 hours in a succession of Mooney M20Js.  In previous reporting assignments, Tim wrote about climate change research at The South Pole, the Russian space program, America's nuclear Navy and first-person accounts of flying aboard a variety of American military aircraft, from the B1-B Lancer to the F-18 Hornet, to the B-52 Stratofortress, and the Hercules LC-130 used for Antarctic transport. He lives in Greenwich, Connecticut with his wife, Sarah Smedley.
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AirVenture Video: Alsim Simulator

ALSIM is showcasing the AL250 at AirVenture 2024. Sy Pinkert from AVweb had the chance to test it out and discuss with Jason Da...