Dynon Pledges Support For RV Builders With Avionics Discounts


Avionics manufacturer Dynon has posted an open letter on its website to RV builders expressing more than just moral support in the face of Vans Aircraft’s financial difficulties. Dynon is offering a special discount to RV builders with deposits on aircraft who have been directly affected by the price changes Vans has imposed on its kits. The increased prices were implemented in December to offset increased costs at the company due to a series of challenges.

Dynon President Robert Hamilton’s “simple” message: “We want to help.”

Hamilton is offering a 5% rebate on select Dynon products (see link above for a list) purchased between Jan. 30 and April 15, the last day of the upcoming Sun ‘n Fun event in Lakeland, Florida. In addition, he said, “Because we know that some kit lead times may be longer than usual, we will also warrant these products for an additional year (four years, instead of the usual three).”

Buyers will need to provide documentation that they are among those Vans customers who have been affected by the price increases. Hamilton added, “I am sure there are ways to game this, but we are asking you not to do so, and work with us to fairly share the cost with those who are directly affected. We are experimental builders and owners here at Dynon, and our goal has always been to help make it affordable for anyone and everyone who wants to fly. That is our mission, and has been for 24 years.”

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.


  1. What a decent move. Might open people’s eyes to other brands than ‘G’.
    Especially the warranty extension is a good move. ‘G’ are less familiar with the concept of customer service…

  2. It is a nice gesture that should be extended to all home builders, not only those with RVs. Historic levels of inflation and an overall fragile economy have taken their toll on sport aviation, see for instance the shocking price increases from Lycoming and Hartzell.

    • And Dynon lives outside this economy and thus can afford to extend their largesse to make up for other’s price increases due to said economy?

    • Kent… We have not been experiencing “historic levels of inflation”. Maybe you are too young to remember the 1970’s.

  3. I just installed it in my C182. I could not be happier with the equipment, the installation process (which was a learning curve in a production airplane) the support from Dynon, and their willingness to go the extra miles. Their turn around time on modifications was superb. It was a far different experience with Garmin. I am pleased that Dynon has also moved into the certified aircraft market.

    Now if Dynon could get the kind of turn around service from the FAA that Garmin does….but that’s not Dynon’s fault.