Cirrus Operator Hopscotch Air Joins FAA/ACSF Safety Program

Northeast-based charter fleet now part of safety reporting program.

Credit: Hopscotch Air

In service since 2009, Northeast-based Hopscotch Air has joined the Air Charter Safety Foundation’s (ACSF) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP). Created in partnership with the FAA, ASAP is a voluntary safety reporting system. The focus is to encourage air charter certificate holders and employees to voluntarily report safety issues and events, “even though they may involve an alleged violation of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, enforcement-related incentives have been designed into the program,” according to the FAA.

Hopscotch Air flies a fleet of single-engine Cirrus aircraft based in White Plains and Farmingdale, New York, as well as Boston. It provides on-demand service to destinations throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and eastern Canada. What sets Hopscotch Air apart as a general aviation charter program is that passengers experience flight in a small aircraft in an up close and personal way, with passengers able to occupy the right front seat if so desired.

ACSF president Bryan Burns said, “Every [ASAP] participant contributes to the overall safety of the industry, and we’re thrilled to welcome Hopscotch Air to this initiative. Their involvement exemplifies how even smaller operators can make a big impact on aviation safety.” Hopscotch Air CEO Andrew Schmertz said, “Safety is our highest priority, and having a platform to openly report and address safety concerns and learn from others strengthens our commitment to continuous improvement.”

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.