Tecnam P-Mentor Gets Full Part 23 Type Certification From The FAA


Capua, Italy-based Tecnam announced today (May 8) it has received FAA full Part 23 type certification for its P-Mentor trainer. U.S. deliveries will start imminently, with the first 20 of the Rotax 912isC3-powered piston singles going to HCH Aviation, in partnership with Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. Additional deliveries are on track for Kilo Charlie Aviation, New Century, Kansas, and EpicSky Flight Academy, Des Moines, Iowa.

Tecnam calls its P-Mentor a “turnkey solution” for flight training providers, starting with ab initio and carrying through to instrument and commercial ratings. The P-Mentor incorporates Garmin’s G3X IFR touchscreen avionics “compliant with the latest CS-23 EASA and FAA amendments,” according to Tecnam. The two-place trainer also uses a variable-pitch propeller and has a “simulated” retractable landing gear system. A ballistic recovery parachute is optional.

The Rotax’s 3.7 gallons-per-hour fuel consumption contributes to the P-Mentor’s low operating costs, estimated at $65 per hour. Its 37-gallon fuel capacity enables the trainer to “fly all day without refueling,” Tecnam said.

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.


  1. While I know the answer, perhaps this story might benefit from reference to the fully-equipped price and, perhaps, a best-guess at the bulk purchase price per unit.

  2. WHAT ?? You’re looking for actual, meaningful DATA here (instead of regurgitated press releases) ?

  3. Sounds like a decent trainer. I hope they cleared the Mentor name for a trainer with Textron. When I saw the headline I thought T-34

  4. Almost 1,600 pounds and 100hp?
    I can see why the flatland of Texas and Kansas are good places to use this trainer.

  5. At SnF, I happened to look in the area where Van’s tent usually stood; there was one there but it wasn’t Vans … it was Phil Lockwood from Sebring w/ a Rotax 916T powered RV-9A. He was hawking a full FWF setup with that engine for the RV-9A. I spoke to him; he said Van’s had ‘blessed’ the installation. I thought that was a great airplane combo. It would be better than this P-Mentor as a trainer dur to the engine stats. Perhaps Van’s oughta look into certification of such a machine. For ME, I think I’ll wait for the RV-15 (hopefully, still in the pipeline?) because I’m done with low wing airplanes. Still … this is good news for those that can use a 150 class of airplane.