NBAA Takes User-fee Fight Online

The Internet can be a powerful force for organizing, and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) this week unveiled the NBAA Online Advocacy Center, an effort to harness that force in opposition to the FAA’s user-fee funding proposal. “When people in the general aviation community hear about the user fees and a tripling of taxes included in the airlines’ FAA scheme, their first question is ‘What can be done to oppose it?'” said Ed Bolen, president of NBAA. “NBAA’s new Online Advocacy Center will literally put information and ways to take action against the FAA bill at people’s fingertips.” Among the resources available at the site are a link to contact Congress, sample e-mail messages and talking points, pointers for writing a letter to your local newspaper, a “Contact Congress” banner for use on Web sites throughout the industry, and other news and information.

The Internet can be a powerful force for organizing, and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) this week unveiled the NBAA Online Advocacy Center, an effort to harness that force in opposition to the FAA's user-fee funding proposal. "When people in the general aviation community hear about the user fees and a tripling of taxes included in the airlines' FAA scheme, their first question is 'What can be done to oppose it?'" said Ed Bolen, president of NBAA. "NBAA's new Online Advocacy Center will literally put information and ways to take action against the FAA bill at people's fingertips." Among the resources available at the site are a link to contact Congress, sample e-mail messages and talking points, pointers for writing a letter to your local newspaper, a "Contact Congress" banner for use on Web sites throughout the industry, and other news and information. "I urge everyone in general aviation to visit NBAA's Online Advocacy Center to learn more and take action against user fees, in support of keeping our air transportation system the world's largest, safest and most efficient," Bolen said.