Plane Hits California Homes (Updated with Video)

Five people were killed and three injured in the crash of a Cessna 414A in a neighborhood in Yorba Linda, California, east of Los Angeles. Early reports and video from the scene show aircraft parts on a street in front of two houses on fire. Fire officials confirmed the casualties and said only the pilot was on the plane.

Five people were killed and three injured in the crash of a Cessna 414A in a neighborhood in Yorba Linda, California, east of Los Angeles. Early reports and video from the scene show aircraft parts on a street in front of two houses on fire. Fire officials confirmed the casualties and said only the pilot was on the plane.

Update: Video has surfaced on the New York Post website purportedly showing the Cessna descending rapidly after bursting into flames.

The injured were taken to the hospital with burn injuries. The video below shows that the aircraft was shedding major parts before it came down and it was apparently falling debris that caused the fires. The bulk of the aircraft ended up in the back yard of a house and the fuselage was largely intact. It's early in the investigation and more details will be forthcoming.


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