Low-Cost Bizjet Charter Enforces Dress Code


You don’t have to be well-heeled to fly on one of the latest entries in the jet membership/on-demand charter market but you do have to look sharp. Set Jet members can hop on a flight aboard one of the company’s five Challenger 850s for as little as $750 but not if they’re wearing flip-flops. The price of saving on flying with class is dressing the part, at least a little bit, thanks to a modest dress code. “To maintain a respectful atmosphere, Set Jet requests that all Members, as well as their children and guests, adhere to our Dress Code Policy,” the policy says. “Preferred attire is respectful, appropriate, neat, and presentable. Dress to impress.”

Among the togs specifically banned are gym shorts, sports bras, bathing suits and anything smelly, among other things. Flight crew have the final say on these and other fashion transgressions, and repeated violations can put the membership at risk. Those who don’t mind wearing a collared shirt and sensible shoes can get between seven destinations in the Southwest for $99.95 a month plus as little as $750 a leg, drinks and snacks included. Small pets fly free in the cabin with their owners. Flights as far as New York and Miami are planned, but the monthly membership fee will be higher. There are no scheduled flights. As soon as a member books a flight, other members can claim the seats not being used by the first in line. The Challengers, which are the same airframe as 50-seat regional jets, have 13 to 15 seats. Flights operate from private hangars and passengers pay $99.95 for a one-time security check.

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.


    • Lowest allowed ticket price NY to LA in 1974 adjusted for inflation was just under $9,000. Very high prices keeps out the rif-raf.

  1. Define decorum. From what I’ve seen, I cringe everytime I go to any airport. It’s like being an audience member on the Jerry Springer show.

  2. What was it that ended the days most people met standards of appearance? Not just on planes, but in general. I admit I’m part of the problem when it comes to clothes just not the low standards of behavior that seems to come with low standards of dress. Has society really come low due to poor dress, or is it just a correlation?

  3. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
    According to stereotypes, the kinds of people who would afford and choose to book this charter’s services, are the kind who won’t take orders from anyone. Including – or especially – requirements on how to dress, when the only people around will be the hired help.
    When a party of people shows up dressed for their beach destination, they’re not likely to take kindly to the suggestion that they change into their country club outfits.

    • Cruise lines are about to give up on dress codes. It was very relaxed already with very few requirements. But in the cruise discussions, dress is very heated. “It’s my cruise, I paid for it, and I’ll dress anyway I wish.” As mentioned, I too think this company is going to run into a lot of that.