On The Fly…

First female paraplegic to make a solo flight did so Monday…Transport Canada goes along with Super Bowl TFR…Air service incentive grants available from DOT…Third Mustang airborne, a week early…Diamond lease EAA’s grand prize.

Rendered paraplegic 17 years ago, 34-year-old Carlana Stone Monday became "the first female paraplegic in the United States" to solo a single-engine aircraft, according to NBC news. The flight was conducted from Whiteman Airport in Pacoima, Calif....

As expected, Transport Canada has relented and will create a U.S.-style temporary flight restriction on its side of the border for next Sunday's SuperBowl in Detroit. Canadian Forces F/A-18 aircraft will also take part in the aerial cover operation that will enforce the restrictions...

Small towns in the U.S. that want to improve airline service can tap into a grant program (docket OST-2006-23671) that provides money to lure carriers into marginal markets. A total of $10 million is available and it will be divided between 40 communities...

Cessna's Mustang program continues ahead of schedule with the first flight of its third personal jet taking place last Friday, a week early. It's the second production model to join the prototype in the air...

Grand prize in EAA's membership contest this year is a two-year lease of a Diamond DA40. There will also be subsidiary prizes awarded to names drawn from among those who sign up or renew their membership.