Short Final: More Information, Please


Overheard on the airwaves, somewhere, sometime … maybe:

Air Traffic Controller: “Cessna 1234X, say position.”

Student Pilot [on first solo cross-country]: “I’m, ahhhh, approaching the XYZ VOR.”

Air Traffic Controller (after a brief slow burn): “You’ve been approaching the XYZ VOR since you took off. Can you be more specific?”

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.


  1. DME was great.
    After “You’ve been approaching the XYZ VOR since you took off. Can you be more specific?”, I could say; “I’ll be there in about 17 minutes…?”.

  2. If you’d ask most IFR pilots and 99.9% of jet jocks their position, all they could tell you is distance from their destination or next waypoint in the box.😳

  3. Reminds me of the legendary exchange between a lost low time pilot and ATC. After much back and forth ATC asked where the last position they were sure of was.

    The response “Holding short runway 12”