Engine Failure Likely In C-130 Crash In Indonesia

An Indonesian air force C-130 transport plane that crashed into a residential neighborhood in Medan, Indonesia, during departure on Tuesday had one failed propeller as the pilot attempted to return to the airport, authorities said in a CNN report Thursday. There were 122 people on board, including military personnel and their families, with no survivors confirmed.

An Indonesian air force C-130 transport plane that crashed into a residential neighborhood in Medan, Indonesia, during departure on Tuesday had one failed propeller as the pilot attempted to return to the airport, authorities said in a CNN report Thursday. There were 122 people on board,including military personnel and their families, with no survivors confirmed. At least 13 peopleon the ground were killed, CNN reported. The aircraft had taken off from Jakarta, the capital city, and made two stops before arriving at Medan. It crashed two minutes after takeoff as the pilot attempted a right turn back to the field. Witnesses saw it flyinglow, with flames and black smoke coming from it.

This is thesixth crash involving an Indonesian air force plane in the last decade, andIndonesia's president has ordered a review of the aging military air fleet, CNN reported. One squadron of Hercules planes has been grounded as the investigation continues, the report said. The C-130 that crashed had been in service since 1964.

images: Reuters