Short Final

While on final, RNAV 9, into Isla Grande airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico recently: Tower:“Mooney 5 Triple 8 Quebec, be advised: Iguana crossing the runway, south to north, midfield.” Then, on short final: Tower:“Double 8 Quebec, iguana no factor. He’s crossed the white line on the north side.” I’ve heard a lot of funny stuff on the radio, but that was a first! Wallace Pondvia e-mail

While on final, RNAV 9, into Isla Grande airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico recently:

"Mooney 5 Triple 8 Quebec, be advised: Iguana crossing the runway, south to north, midfield."

Then, on short final:

"Double 8 Quebec, iguana no factor. He's crossed the white line on the north side."

I've heard a lot of funny stuff on the radio, but that was a first!

Wallace Pond
via e-mail