Question of the Week: The Cost of ADS-B to You (Yes, You)

With the FAA asking all pilots to upgrade their avionics by 2020, we thought it would be a good time to ask AVweb readers what they’re willing to spend to prepare for the NextGen airspace. Plus: Do AVweb readers think it’s only a matter of time before Boeing and Airbus start cranking out VLJs? The results of last week’s “QOTW.”


Last week, we asked whether it was inevitable that big-jet makers like Airbus and Boeing would enter the growing market for small- and medium-sized jets.

Despite strong rumors that it's only a matter of time, AVweb readers thought the big boys' entry into these markets may not be a foregone conclusion:  A full 50% of you said players like Boeing are far too busy building airliners to worry about little jets.

For the actual breakdown of responses,click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer, if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


With the FAAasking all pilots to upgrade their avionics by 2020, we thought it would be a good time to ask AVweb readers what they're willing to spend to prepare for the NextGen airspace.

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